What You Must Know About Pregnancy

Posted by Fizaazida | Wednesday, August 13, 2008 | 0 comments »

By: LesleyLyon

When the sperm of the man gets fertilized with the eggs of woman in the reproductive system, pregnancy occurs. Childbirth occurs about 38 weeks from fertilization-more or less 40 weeks from the last menstruation. The scientific term for pregnancy is ‘gravid’ and pregnant female is referred to as ‘gravida’. The developing human during initial week is the embryo and from two months till the birth, it is known as fetus.

Generally, human pregnancy is divided into three trimester periods of different stages of pre-natal development. In the first trimester, the embryo is under the peril of mis-carriage, in the second trimester, the development is well monitored and in the third trimester, the feasibility of the fetus to survive with or without medical help is high.

Since every pregnancy is different, there are various pregnancy symptoms. Some of the prominent symptoms are missed period, nausea, tender breasts, fatigue, frequent urination or fluid retention and aches and pains.

For women who have a predictable menstrual cycle, missed period will be a clear indication of pregnancy. Another characteristic symptom of pregnancy is vomiting combined with morning sickness. Women suffering with such a symptom may suddenly experience repugnance to food and certain smells for two to eight weeks after conception.

Early in the pregnancy, a pregnant women’s breast may become tender, swollen and even painful which may be attributed to hormonal changes. Fatigue is a frequent pregnancy symptom-it could be intense even for an energetic woman-which can also be attributed to hormonal imbalance or lack of sleep. Head ache and back ache are common for pregnant women which are caused due to the stretching and thickening of the ligaments supporting the expanding uterus and they will be felt only during the second trimester. The release of the hormone.

Progesterone enables ligaments to soften and stretch around the pelvis and back which causes backache.

During pregnancy, hormones enhance the blood supply to cater to the growing fetus. This causes swelling of gums accumulation of food in the teeth, leading to tooth decay, and gum infection. Regular brushing of teeth after every meal can rectify this but taking x rays should be avoided.

Drinking lots of water and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables may help to avoid anemia or constipation, which are quite common during pregnancy. Fainting also can happen to some when the brain is deprived of adequate blood supply. Insomnia, anxiety and poor diet may cause fatigue, which can be rectified by getting good sleep. A dramatic or sudden increase in hormone level along with low blood sugar and tiredness causes morning sickness, which may subside after the first trimester.

There may be certain complications arising during pregnancy like ectopic pregnancy (embryo developing out of the uterus) anti phospho lipid syndrome (because of repeated miscarriages) low lying placenta or cervical incompetence. It is better to have periodical check ups with the Doctor to avoid complications at the time of delivery of the child.

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

About the Author:
The web guide on pregnancy - http://www.myhealthinfo.info deals extensively with pregnancy related topics. You can find useful resources on a proper weight management during pregnancy on http://www.healthopts.com